Source code for hookee.hookeemanager

__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Alex Laird"
__license__ = "MIT"

import os
import time

import click

from hookee import __version__
from hookee.conf import Config
from hookee.exception import HookeeConfigError, HookeeError
from hookee.pluginmanager import PluginManager
from hookee.server import Server
from hookee.tunnel import Tunnel
from hookee.util import PrintUtil

banner_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "banner.txt")
with open(banner_path) as f:
    banner =

[docs] class HookeeManager: """ An object that manages the state of a ``hookee`` runtime. Reads app configuration, loads enabled plugins, and manages the long-lived state of ``hookee`` if a server and tunnel are started. If instantiating for a custom integration, pass a :class:`~hookee.conf.Config` with args that otherwise would have been passed to the CLI (see ``hookee --help``). For example: .. code-block:: python from hookee import HookeeManager from hookee.conf import Config config = Config(subdomain="my_domain", region="eu") hookee_manager = HookeeManager(config=config) A ``response_callback`` function can also be passed instead of defining a raw ``response`` and ``content-type`` (or needing to use plugins) when integrating with ``hookee``: .. code-block:: python from hookee import HookeeManager from hookee.conf import Config def response_callback(request, response): = "<Response>Ok</Response>" response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml" return response config = Config(response_callback=response_callback) hookee_manager = HookeeManager(config=config) :var ctx: The ``click`` context. :vartype ctx: click.Context :var config: The ``hookee`` configuration. :vartype config: Config :var plugin_manager: Reference to the Plugin Manager. :vartype plugin_manager: PluginManager :var print_util: Reference to the PrintUtil. :vartype print_util: PrintUtil :var tunnel: Reference to the Tunnel. :vartype tunnel: Tunnel :var server: Reference to the Server. :vartype server: Server :var alive: ``True`` when this object is managing an active tunnel and server. :vartype alive: bool """ def __init__(self, config=None, load_plugins=True): self.ctx = click.get_current_context(silent=True) if config is None: try: data = self.ctx.obj if self.ctx is not None else {} config = Config(**data) except HookeeConfigError as e:, e) self.config = config self.plugin_manager = PluginManager(self) self.print_util = PrintUtil(self.config) if load_plugins: self.plugin_manager.load_plugins() self.tunnel = Tunnel(self) self.server = Server(self) self.alive = False self.print_hookee_banner()
[docs] def run(self): """ If one is not already running, start a managed server and tunnel and block until an interrupt is received (or ``alive`` is set to ``False``). """ if not self.alive: try: self._init_server_and_tunnel() while self.alive: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass self.stop()
[docs] def stop(self): """ If running, shutdown the managed server and tunnel. """ if self.alive: self.server.stop() if self.tunnel._thread: self.tunnel._thread.alive = False # Wait for the other threads to teardown while self.server._thread and self.tunnel._thread: time.sleep(1) self.alive = False
def print_hookee_banner(self): self.print_util.print_open_header("", "=") self.print_util.print_basic(banner.format(version=__version__), color="green", bold=True) self.print_util.print_basic() self.print_util.print_close_header("=", blank_line=False) def print_ready(self): self.print_util.print_open_header("Registered Plugins") plugins = self.plugin_manager.enabled_plugins() self.print_util.print_basic(f" * Enabled Plugins: {plugins}") if self.plugin_manager.response_callback: self.print_util.print_basic(" Response callback: enabled") self.print_util.print_close_header() self.print_util.print_open_header("Registered Endpoints") rules = list(filter(lambda r: r.rule not in ["/shutdown", "/static/<path:filename>", "/status"], for rule in rules: self.print_util.print_basic(f" * {self.tunnel.public_url}{rule.rule}", print_when_logging=True) self.print_util.print_basic(f" Methods: {sorted(list(rule.methods))}", print_when_logging=True) self.print_util.print_close_header() self.print_util.print_basic() self.print_util.print_basic("--> Ready, send a request to a registered endpoint ...", color="green", bold=True) self.print_util.print_basic()
[docs] def fail(self, msg, e=None): """ Shutdown the current application with a failure. If a CLI Context exists, that will be used to invoke the failure, otherwise an exception will be thrown for failures to be caught. :param msg: The failure message. :type msg: str :param e: The error being raised. :type e: HookeeError, optional """ if self.ctx is not None: elif e: raise e else: raise HookeeError(msg)
def _init_server_and_tunnel(self): self.alive = True self.server.start() self.tunnel.start() self.print_ready()